Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That

Things in the Ritzen household are beginning to pick up and get BUSY. So if I neglect you guys on here, I'm sorry! Last night I started my preceptor, which is basically an internship. I am working in a psych facility working with kids ranging 2-17. I LOVE IT! I seriously think I found my calling. Working with kids with a wide variety of illnesses really makes me feel like I am making a difference. I was very apprehensive at first, but now I love it. I have 11 more 8 hours shifts there and I am totally looking forward to them!!

I am still working as a CNA, although because things are busy I am lucky to get 1 shift a week. I am also going to start volunteering. I have to complete 8 hours for my Leadership course, but doing more will only build my resume and making it easier to find a job in a rather tough market for new graduate RNs. My weight loss continues onto week 9. I have lost 14 pounds on Medifast but I lost some weight right after Bryce left putting me at 21 pounds. It is VERY exciting to be the same weight I was in high school and wearing 1 size smaller jeans than I was then!! I have dropped a total of 4 jeans sizes in the past 2 months. I have 18 pounds left to loose. I am hoping that by Thanksgiving I will be off Medifast and on the maintenance program.

Bryce is doing really well. I get to talk to him a few times a week. We bought a computer and he received it yesterday. He will have internet in his bunk so hopefully that will mean more emails and he promised me so skype time. It is quite a strange feeling to know you haven't seen your husband's face in almost 3 months!! We are over 1/3 of the way complete with the deployment and almost to half way. Not that I'm counting or anything... ;) But soon enough, he will be back home!!

Until the next time... check in here for updates on the Ritzens.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Things are beginning to finally come together with nursing school. I have about 4 months left. Actually 3 months and 26 days to be exact, but who is counting? :) It has been a hard, but rewarding journey. I think know I think like an RN. Or at least I am trying to. I received the best compliment yesterday while working as a CNA. I was told by the two RNs that I acted like an RN who was trying to hold back. It is really difficult to go from RN mode at clinical to remembering you are a CNA at work so I do not act outside my scope of practice.

I have just 4 classes to complete this semester. That right 4! This semester is a little different than the rest. I will be taking Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing the entire 16 weeks. During the first 8 of that I will also take a Leadership class and complete my preceptor, which is basically an internship. During the last 8 weeks, I will take Psychiatric and Geriatrics with a clinical for each. And then, it is finals, graduated and study study study for my NCLEX (my state board exam that allows me to practice as an RN). I will be completely finished with everything before Bryce returns. He and I are excited to have some time to just be married and not have to worry about school. So many times we couldn't go somewhere or do something because I had a test and had to study.

Speaking of preceptors, I have been assigned to Auora Behavioral Heath. I will be working adolescent psych. I am really excited to learn as much as I can. Maybe it can even turn into my first RN job. I like psych because there is a stigma there that most people believe. They think these people aren't actually sick. I think mainly because you can't "see" any of the symptoms. But telling a patient with bi-polar disease to not take their meds or just "be strong" is the same as telling a patient with asthma to not take their breathing treatments. I would love to be part of the change in society's thinking about this area. And at the same time make a difference in some kids and teenagers lives.

That's all for now. Post my be short or non-existent at times here depending on my work load, but I will do my best!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Senior Nursing Student

That's me! I have successfully completed 5 semesters of nursing school and in a short 16 weeks, I will be studying for my NCLEX!! I am SO proud of myself. It has been a hard year and a half but these next 4 months are going to be way harder. But it will all be worth it when I can say my name is Kaitlyn Ritzen, RN.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Medifast Update

So, as you know, I have been doing Medifast which is a weight loss program for the past month. I was getting a little discouraged this week because I actually gained 2 pounds, so I decided to look through the weekly pictures I have been taking of myself to see the difference. Plus, Bryce asked to see what I look liek since he hasn't really seen anI decided that the 2 pounds is probably muscle or water weight because I am losing inches.

Here is my month update of medifast. (Btw, my actually update is on Monday, but I work so I won't be able to do this then.)


Week 1:

Week 2:
Week 3:
This is when I realized my pants no longer fit! YAY!!

Week 4:

And the jounrey continues... Still have about 20 more pounds to go!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Little Ray of Sunshine

Most of you have hundred of pictures with your spouse. And you get to talk to him or her over dinner every night. And see his or her face when you wake up in the morning.

I do not have that pleasure. I have been begging Bryce to skype with me, but because he doesn't have his own computer and internet is slow, it just hasn't happened. I get to hear his voice when we talk twice a week. But it just isn't the same as seeing his face.

Now I am not asking for sympathy or for anyone to feel sorry for me or us. This is the life we choose no matter how hard it is. But I had to preface this with that so you understand what this meant to me. 

I opened me email to find an email from the Family Readiness Officer. She sends out pictures ever so often, but I haven't found on of Bryce yet. Today however, was my day!! It is a side profile of him in formation. He isn't even looking at the camera. But it is the first time in almost 2 months I have seen his face. And needless to say, I cried. A happy/sad cry. Happy because I have missed that face so much. Sad, well, because I have to keep missing that face.

He is in the second row and the second person in. The tall skinny guy <3 He looks like he has lost some weight, but this picture was taken about a month ago (I think) and he has told me since then he has gained some weight. He should. We are spending an arm and leg on protein powder!! This is my little ray of sunshine!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

An Uneventful Week

Well, it is that time of the week. Time for an update from the Ritzens. I spoke with Bryce a couple days ago and he is sounding great. It sounded like he even slept! (Which is always a plus so he isn't grumpy!!) He is really excited about being a section chief and loves his job. He is working 12 hours shifts. He started off working nnight shifts and recently switched over to days. He likes it better. However, because of time differences it means he calls right when I am in school or at work and I can't pick up. :( Oh well, he will eventually switch back and I will hear from him more then.

As for me, nursing school and work are keeping me busy. With Bryce gone, I have realized what is truely important in my life, family and good friends. I have had a great time this week spending time with some great friends and getting rid of all the other "junk" in my life.

This week holds 3 presentations for school and my final clinical of the semester. In addition to that I have two 12 hours shifts this week. Looking forward to turning the calendar to September!

Until next week, I leave you with this quote I found this week. "The will of God will never take you outside the grace of God's protection."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Update #1

Here, as promised, is my weekly post. :)

Things in the Ritzen household are going well. As you know, Bryce is deployed right now. He loves being able to do his job! He is doing really well out there. I have usually had some contact with him (either phone or email) a couple times a week. He sounds great. Of course, working very hard and probably not getting enough sleep, but I don't think he would have it any other way. He is getting lots of love and support with all of the care packages he has been recieving. But of course, if anyone would like to send him a package, he always loves it. Email me for his address.

As for me, I am about to start my last semester of nursing school. I take my last finals in January and will hopefully have my RN prior to Bryce returning. School is going really well. It is very difficult and time consuming, but well worth it. I love being in the clinical environment. And since everyone asks, no I have no clue what type of nursing I want to be. I want to be the employed type of nurse so at least for the first year or two I will probably take whatever job comes my way. :) Thus far, I have really enjoyed everything with a couple exceptions. I am hoping to start on a medical/surgical floor and work my way into a speciality from there.

I also started a new job. I am a CNA for a registry that staffs Tri-City Hospital. I really love it. I am working 1 or 2 days a week. I love working 12 hour shifts (surprisingly) and it is nice to keep busy while making a little money.

As seen on my facebook, I am on Medifast, which is a weight loss program. You eat 5 of their meals a day (shakes, bar, soups, even ice creams!) and 1 lean meat and green vegetable a day. I am SO full all the time. Eating every 2-3 hours is great. And it is teaching me ways to cook and live healthier once I am at my goal weight. I have lost 10 pounds so far and a total of 11 inches from different areas in my body.

We are getting our house on base in Dec. and I will continue to live with my grandparents until then. I want to have to place all set up before Bryce returns and still have time to study for my finals and NCLEX. We sold the mustang. I just could not drive stick (trust me, I tried and it was BAD) and it was a little out of our budget. When he returns, after going to Hawaii for a week, we will fly to Texas to visit his family and return with a truck (and all of his stuff!) to CA.

Well, sorry that was so long. Next weeks post will probably be shorter, but I had to catch you up on everything!!
